Monday, September 17, 2012


Hmm, so we're back to the "it hurts to walk" stage of shin splints.  I was neglectful about stretching after class so it's partially my own fault. But I'm continuing to feel better about my dancing (even though it's not anywhere near where I really want it, let's be real).  I did Thursday class and practiced solo stuff for about thirty minutes on Sunday, and have been trying to tackle this one troublesome treble jig step.  During that practice session, there was one point where I thought "I'm never going to get this step."  And then I did it!  On the right foot, anyway.  Still working on ol' Lefty.

Despite the shin splint woes, I think for the sake of my self-esteem I need to buy new hard shoes and soft shoes.  I can't tell what the heck my dancing looks like in the dance sneakers I'm currently wearing.  Thinking about the H2 Hullachans or the Rutherford Graces on the soft shoe front...something with lots of padding for my poor tootsies.  Fays forever and always in hard shoes.

The new six-week boot camp session starts up Tuesday.  I've been wanting to do Tuesdays and Saturdays (arms / full body), but maybe I really should do Thursdays (legs).  It's brutal but may be necessary.  But Saturdays are so much fun!  My trainer is really cool so I can bounce back and forth if I wanted (his exact words when I asked if I could alternate Thursdays / Saturdays if I wanted: "it's okay, we real cool").  And during the next six weeks I am DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY, NO EXCUSES going to do three days a week so I won't have this problem.

Goal for this coming week: getting the left & right foot of that treble jig step without hesitation; working on the reel lead I learned a few weeks ago.  It's easy, I just have to put the pieces together.

Onward and upward!

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