Tuesday, September 3, 2013

a look back

This weekend feels like a happy dream.

Figures were up first on feis day, and in 15&O we had five two-hand teams, two four-hands, and an eight-hand.  I was on a two-hand with my sister and a four-hand team.  I felt good about how we all danced and had zero expectations--and we had a great time doing it.  Watching the eight hand from the back of the room, everyone was all smiles.  I didn't even think to check the results until I had a set of parents hurrying up to me

We had completely swept the figures.

I was floored.  (Sis's helpful remark: "We're good, get over it" when I expressed my surprise.)  My school took 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the two-hands, 1st and 2nd in the four-hands, and won the eight-hand.  Even the little girls' ceili did well: 1st in four-hand, 1st and 3rd in two-hand.  Before I get too excited I have to remind myself that this is kid stuff.  We're training to win the regionals and compete at Worlds, not win feises.  But it's awesome to have that kind of positive feedback, to know that your hard work is paying off, and especially on our first outing.

My goal for solos was to have fun. My comps were huge so I knew I didn't have a great chance of placing, so "have fun" it was.  I grinned and showed off my steps the best I could and even though I knew I probably wasn't going to medal, I was so pleased about teams the rest of the day could go horribly as far as I was concerned.

Personal results recap: 3rd place in 2-hand, 2nd place in 4-hand, 5th place in traditional set (probably would have placed higher if I didn't mess up in the set).  And when I got my results back I was one away from placing in everything else.  Other people might find that frustrating, but it reminded me of something...

A year ago on the drive back from Kansas City I was talking to my sister, wondering if maybe, just maybe, I could come back and dance solos.  It seemed like a crazy proposition at the time.  And a year later, I came back with medals and a hunger for more.  Maybe next Kansas City feis I'll be in Prelims.  With everything that's happened this year, that dream doesn't seem so crazy anymore.

Whenever I get frustrated with myself for not progressing fast enough, I have to take stock.  I only thought of going back to solo competition a year ago.  My first limited competition back was in November 2012 (only light jig, single jig and trad set).  I didn't return to competition with a full slate of dances until March of this year.  At my feis in March I was placing second to last.  I am making progress, even though I might not always be able to see it.

Prelims by this time next year--a stretch, but achievable.
Oireachtas goals: I want to represent my school well in any teams I end up on and I want to win my traditional set competition.  Not place, outright win.

It's possible.  It all is.

95 days of sweat, practice and focus to go.