Monday, August 5, 2013

stuff to work on

Another week, another dance class weekend in the books.  My body is smarting.  Still need to get used to this new "dancing two days in a row" thing.  I'll get to the bad parts of the weekend first before I get to the good bits so we can end on a positive note.

The bad: I'm having a difficult time keeping up in ceili.  It's not that I'm being lazy; it's just that I physically can't do it right now.  And that makes me so, so sad.  I have a heart condition that's making it difficult to build stamina and I'm going to talk it over with my family doc in a week and a half to see what can be done about it.  I was basically told "your heart beats really fast and there isn't really a good reason why".  I need a better fix besides "here, take these pills".

The good: learned a new treble reel step that was ~choreographed for me~ by a classmade and it is AWESOME.  It's also hard to wrap my head around, much less do, but I WILL CONQUER IT.  I'm registered for a novice/PW treble reel in Kansas City so it's giving me some motivation to get it in my head.

I've also decided to switch sets; Jockey is different but I haven't placed well with it so I learned Job of Journeywork instead.  I think I've been taught the lead approximately five times in the past 10 years but have never learned the set, so that was cool.  It's easy but has some tricky parts and I'm absolutely nailing the rhythm.  I just have to do it approximately ten million times before KC now!