Friday, June 14, 2013

you ever have one of those dance classes

...where you're just OFF?  Yeah, that was yesterday.  So funny to come down so hard from a "mountaintop experience" like medaling in the feis and just feeling like you can't get anything right.  I think part of it is the fact that I don't know how to overcross, especially with the aforementioned THIGHS! but I've got the summer to work on it.

I also have enough experience to know that a bad day is just that, a DAY, and I'll survive.  That's a relief.

Monday, June 10, 2013

austin feis!

As you can tell, Austin was pretty good to me.  :)  3 4ths and a 3rd.  And I really wasn't expecting much from this feis at all, as I got REALLY sick the Thursday class before and wasn't able to work through some of the trouble spots I wanted.  I also had a mini-meltdown in-between my hard and soft shoe but Sis was able to talk me down.  So glad, because I ended up getting 4th in treble jig.  Skipped hornpipe because I'm not 100% in that dance yet, and I felt like I nailed Jockey, but ended up getting nada and a "timing" comment from the judge.  "Er, there was nothing wrong with your timing in that dance," The Teach told me.  "S/he doesn't know what they're talking about."  I was glad he confirmed that because if anything is my problem, it is definitely not timing/rhythm.  Oh well!

Most of the other comments I got were about cross, so I guess I know what I need to work on.  I'm not sue HOW MUCH I can work on that because THIGHS, but I'll give it a shot.  :)
The ceili team is coming along too, although I haven't discussed that much.  One of the adults helping us work on our lines and movements recorded our dancing.  I watched myself doing ceili and surprisingly didn't want to quit immediately afterwards, haha.  I definitely found some things I didn't know I was doing that need improvement, but I feel encouraged rather than discouraged about it.  :)  Teach is starting new classes on Saturdays, which I am thrilled about because I have no life.  Between dance 3x a week and bootcamp at least 2x a week, I am going to be one busy bee.
And now, summer!  Hoping it'll be full of new choreography, private lessons, practice with the team and fun breakthroughs.

Monday, June 3, 2013

feis in 5 days


My treble jig is coming together and I'm back to feeling comfortable about Jockey.  Soft shoe is good, even with a small change to my reel lead.  Hornpipe is a mess but I'm at peace with that.  I can at least get through it.

I asked the Teach to give me the number one thing to focus on right now, and he said "lift".  Wouldn't have thought of that on my own, so that's some food for thought.

Looking forward to the summer, and the prospect of more classes to help me perfect my craft.  I'm going to really push myself and hopefully learn some new choreography so I'll be fresh and ready for the fall feis season.